Monday, May 7, 2007

On living with passion...

Check out the May 4, 2007 post on author Carleen Brice's blog, The Pajama Gardener*. Not only is this a touching tribute to her grandfather, it's a timely reminder of the value of living your life with passion.

Sometimes, I think expressing my passion about certain things has a tinge of selfishness. After all, how can I be passionate about writing or snowshoeing or...dare I say, Gray's Anatomy (until this past season) while so much of the world is in turmoil?

The funny thing is, as you'll notice from Carleen's blog, living with passion or expressing your passion isn't selfish at all. Instead, it adds a spark to others' lives. (After all, could you actually NOT smile reading about the 24-hour jazz party in a house with one bathroom? Could anyone who was there not remember that for the rest of her or his life?)

There's that big question of, Can one person change the world? Guess what? Carleen's grandfather did.

And maybe, by sharing a pinch or two of our passions with others, we can too.

*You'll find her post here:


Anonymous said...

Hi, I just found your blog. Just wanted to say 'hi' as one middle-aged (ugh) person to another.

One Heart Dancing said...

Loved this post!

It made me feel better about tango. I sometimes look at all the $$, time and energy spent by my fellow tango aficionados and think we could be feeding a small country--or a few folks right here in Denver.

But maybe regardless of what we build it around, maybe every time we build community we make the world just a little safer from the forces that tear us apart.

Many Merry Blessings, Peridear,
One Heart Dancin