Saturday, May 26, 2007

My TV Vacation, Pt. 1

What do you do when you don't watch TV?

The folks at the TV-Turnoff Network have given that a lot of thought, as you might imagine. They've come up with a list of 101 screen-free activities to keep grumpy minds occupied when there's no access to TV.

I found the list squirreled away in one of T-TN's many resources pages. I'll be honest. My first thought was that the list would be geared more to children. Well, guess what? I was wrong. Not only are there are lot of activities for adults, many help increase mindful living -- the state where we give full attention to what's going on around us rather than operating on autopilot.

Dr. Mehmet Oz, who makes frequent appearances on Oprah, has quite a bit to say on the benefits of that!

From the TV-Turnoff Network
"I really didn't like TV-Turnoff Week -- except I did notice that my grades went up and I was in a good mood all week."
-- Drew Henderson, 2nd grader, Donora, Pennsylvania


Carleen Brice said...

That quote is hilarious...and all too true of how I feel when I give up the boob tube!

Anonymous said...

I read more, walk the dog more. I just got back from a vacation where there was no TV. I took more naps.

Ms. Peri said...

Hi, Rhea --

Welcome back from vacation!